Dragon Fear

 New comic Dragon Fear up for sale on Lulu.

Link to my 15 comics.

Still have two more finished books to compile and post before digging into anything new.

I've been making underground comics here in Australia since 1990. Lost in obscurity. One may guess that I must be bitter, yet no I am afraid not. It's more a case of sitting back and eating popcorn. I've never been to a convention and have no faith in pyramid schemes. In thirty years I've experienced only a small amount of co operative support. Being screwed over has far out weighted that. This link to a Swinburne university study ''The Melbourne Scene" shows our government funded structure. To me it just feels like a paycheck, there's your tax payer dollars. Yet no matter how much government tries to control an actual grassroots industry into big business. Outsiders will always form in response to any stale toilet training.


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