
Showing posts from February, 2021

Hitler Lives 2017

 Hitler Lives 2017, is a low budget Australian film my friends and I made. We made it with no government finance support over about a ten year period. This film has been watched by almost nobody, which is nothing short of heart breaking. It's not that we were gunning for mainstream success, it is an underground movie. Alas what is absurd are other short film makers with fine films gaining support for future projects. Alas even though with our proof of concept from an abstract idea to distribution, added to that the budget limitations. We made a film that presents as looking like it cost more than it did. This fact alone is normally a high priority in movie making. Like all forms of media manufacturing, the best person for the job is often overlooked. Hitler Lives 2017 website

3T comic anthology and Powder Monkeys comic book poster adverts.

 I'm seriously considering drinking the cool aid and starting an Instagram site. Maybe it is worth giving it another try.